
This is for members living in countries other than Korea and Japan

This is a program to calculate the liberation donation, blessing donation, and registration fee which is needed to apply for ancestor liberation and blessing.

How to:

1-    Select the country you live in

2-    Select the generations you want to liberate.

3-    Write down any collaterals you want to liberate

4-    Select the generations you want to bless

l  You cannot bless the same generations you are liberating. You need to wait 100 days after the liberation to apply for blessing.

l  If you calculate liberation and blessing together, it means you are applying for both liberation and blessing to be done on the same workshop. There is blessing workshop only once a month. If you want the liberation and blessing to be done in different workshops, calculate once with only liberation and then another time with only blessing.

5-    Press the gray “calculate” button at the right side bottom of the page.

You will see in red letters the total liberation/ blessing donation and registration fee.

To print your registration form, press the “print preview” button under the “calculate” button after you have finished your calculation. You will see a preview of your form. Press the print button on your computer.

-Please make sure you print using the paper horizontally.

-Please print one form per page.

You need to write the collaterals by hand after you print out the form.







l  同じ代数の解怨と祝福を同時に申請することはできません。解怨後100日がたってから祝福を申請してください。

l  解怨と祝福を同時に計算するということは、同じ修錬会で解怨と祝福がされるということです。祝福の修錬会はつきに1度しか行われません。解怨と祝福を別々の修錬会で申請したい場合は、まず解怨を計算して、そのあとに祝福を計算してください。


受付用紙を印刷するには、計算後、“calculate” の下にある“print preview”ボタンを押してください。受付用紙のプレビューが出てきます。これを印刷してください。


